
Friday, August 8, 2014

Paul Kaiju's A Fistful of Dominoes

Paul Kaiju is one of the nicest artists around. This year he held his event at Gunnzo in Old Town, San Diego. The trek was a bit farther this year meaning you had to take the trolley or drive there. Free food and drinks were available for those that attended the event. This year, there were plenty of toys to go around so no one would go home empty handed. Anything that was not purchased was for sale through Gunnzo.

Thanks to Melissa for making these wonderfully delicious rice krispy treats with gummy candy.

The first toys to sell out were Paul's new figures Domino Jack & Mini Goon. There was also a pink Mini Goon that you could get in the blind bag. Unfortunately our pic didn't turn out.

Thank you to Gunnzo for hosting this event and for the free tacos and drinks. Thank you again to Paul Kaiju, Melissa & Todd for another memorable SDCC event.

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